3 Ways Businesses Are Evolving Their 网络安全 | 意图 CPA-安全的赌博软件

3 Ways Businesses Are Evolving Their 网络安全

Are you falling behind the current standard of business cybersecurity? 了解你比较靠谱的赌博软件在商业世界中使用什么来保证他们组织的安全. 

网络安全 in Business | 意图 Managed

企业在网络安全问题上犯下的最大错误,绝对是认为自己不需要网络安全,也不是网络攻击的目标. 更糟糕的是,他们认为自己已经受到了保护,却没有采取任何措施来确保自己受到了保护.

Here’s the reality: no matter how big your business is, or what industry you operate in, you are a viable target for cybercriminals. 

You can’t afford to hope you’re protected. 你必须努力保持你的防御是最新的,并准备抵御网络犯罪分子使用的不断发展的武器. 

The Top 3 网络安全 工具 Businesses Are Rushing To Adopt

根据… recent study by Okta, 全球数以万计的企业都在不断致力于加强网络安全. 他们注意到一些被广泛采用的技术类型的趋势,其中包括……

Endpoint Monitoring & 管理

Basic cybersecurity technologies aren’t enough on their own any longer, which is why businesses are investing in more sophisticated solutions. Let’s consider consumer-level antivirus, to start. 

Antivirus is installed to protect at the user level, known as endpoint protection, 它的设计目的是检测和阻止病毒或恶意软件在用户的电脑上扎根, 或者更糟, accessing a network to which the user is connected.

Because of antivirus’ limited capabilities, it’s unprepared to deal with a range of modern cybercrime threats:

Advanced Threats

An 反病毒识别威胁的能力依赖于对这些威胁的先验知识. 随着网络犯罪分子攻击方法的进化,他们可以很容易地绕过基本的反病毒防御. 

Polymorphic Malware

再一次。, 防病毒软件所依赖的基于签名的工具可以通过使用避免已知签名的恶意软件来消除. 

Malicious Documents


Fileless Malware

By executing its processes in memory, malware can avoid being spotted by antivirus programs that only scan files. 

Encrypted Traffic

Cybercriminals can also hide their activity in encrypted traffic, preventing your antivirus from ever noticing them. 

The point is that, on its own, antivirus software is not enough to defend you. 提高网络防御的最佳方法是使用全面可靠的端点检测和响应(EDR)解决方案. EDR是一项新兴技术,可满足持续监测和应对高级威胁的需求.

This is a vital service that protects endpoints like laptops, 台式电脑, 智能手机, 平板电脑, 服务器, and virtual environments. 端点保护还可能包括防病毒和反恶意软件、web过滤等.

Mobile Device 管理

No matter what kind of cybersecurity you have in place at the office, it won’t extend to the mobile devices that have access to your data. 

This is a critical limitation of your cybersecurity software, 如果您的防火墙只安装在工作设备上,那么考虑一下这个问题就很明显了, 但你允许员工使用个人设备和家庭工作站访问业务数据, then obviously you won’t be totally secure, 而且,在未来几年中,您将面临更加普遍的关键漏洞:

  • 丢失或被盗的设备会对您造成重大损害,导致数据泄露和工作损失. 
  • 不安全的Wi-Fi热点和其他漏洞允许入侵者进入您的专用网络. 
  • Mobile devices are becoming bigger targets for cybercriminals, who use malware and other methods to attack 智能手机 and 平板电脑.

这就是为什么越来越多的企业正在实施移动设备管理(MDM)策略和解决方案. 它们规定了你的员工在工作中如何使用他们的个人设备, dictating which security apps should be installed, and what best practices need to be followed. 

有效的MDM策略还应该为出于业务目的使用个人设备的员工灌输安全可靠的实践. Key points include:

Dictate Mobile Device Use

Integrated into your internal network, these devices can be used to access, 商店, 传输, and receive business data.

你需要制定适当的政策来规范员工如何使用他们的设备与敏感数据进行交互. Take the time to consider the risks associated with mobile device use, such as the potential for devices containing business data to be lost or stolen, infected with malware, 或者通过与家庭成员共享设备或连接到不安全的无线网络而意外泄露机密信息的可能性. 

Identify And Address Potential Threats

风险分析将帮助您识别安全基础结构中的漏洞, and help you determine the safeguards, 政策, and procedures you’ll need to have in place.
无论问题设备是个人设备还是由您在佛罗里达的IT咨询公司提供, 您仍然需要清楚地了解它们是如何用于与内部网络和系统进行通信的.

Assessments should be conducted periodically, especially after a new device is granted access, a device is lost or stolen, or a security breach is suspected.

Document Policies For Reference And Review


这些策略应该包括用于识别用于访问业务数据的所有设备的流程, 例行检查所有设备是否有正确的安全和配置设置, whether or not staff can use mobile devices to access internal systems, whether staff can take work devices home with them, 以及您将如何停用或撤销不再雇用的员工的访问权限.

Set App-Based Restrictions

维护移动安全不仅仅是拥有正确的应用程序,还意味着遵循正确的协议, to eliminate unknown variables and maintain security redundancies:

  1. Review installed apps and remove any unused ones on a regular basis.
  2. Review app permissions when installing, and when updates are made.
  3. 启用“自动更新”功能,以尽快消除已识别的安全风险.
  4. Keep data backed up to the cloud or a secondary device (or both).

Make Your Staff A Part Of The Process

您的每个员工都应该接受教育,了解如何最好地使用移动设备以避免代价高昂的安全错误. 如果你的员工不了解你的政策和程序,你的安全措施就无法保护你或你的客户, and lacks a basic grasp of security best practices.

Your entire team should be taught how to secure their devices, how to protect business data, what the risks are, and how to avoid common security mistakes.

AI-Powered 网络安全

基于能够适应和学习的高级算法的安全性创建了一个能够熟悉与每个用户和设备相关的正常模式的系统, detecting anomalies in those patterns quickly.

从本质上讲,神经网络可以用于网络安全工作. Based on a robust algorithm, 神经网络可以“学习”发现与先前识别和分类的鱼叉式网络钓鱼电子邮件相关的数据模式. 

By incorporating this technology into an email client’s spam filter, 过滤器将能够发现欺诈性的电子邮件,并在它们到达收件人之前将其删除. 

神经网络最好的部分之一是,它们会随着使用的增加而不断学习和改进. With increasingly more data to draw from, 这种人工智能在完成工作时将变得越来越精确. Investing in Artificial Intelligence technology is critical, as machines can respond much more quickly to the way these attacks are adapting. 

Need Expert 网络安全 Guidance?

不要让你的网络安全受到影响,也不要认为你必须独自处理所有问题. Our team can help you assess your cybersecurity and develop a plan to protect your data. 

By Jeff Rapp, MSCE (紧密, OH office)